Radio Feature (Elisabeth Stratka, coauthor)
ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) 2009
53 min. 49 Sec.
Widerstandskämpfer, Verleger, Journalist und Diplomat – was Fritz Molden in seinem langen Leben gewagt, erreicht, wieder verloren und von neuem begonnen hat, reichte für mehrere Lebensläufe aus.
Maybe we were afraid. I don’t know, I can’t remember. Later I was afraid, but then it was all still amusing. We didn’t know yet what a “KZ” was, a concentration camp. We heard “camp,” but we were naïve, we thought, what’s the worst that can happen? What used to happen to Hitler Youth boys, at most three weeks of detention camp. We misjudged everything. We were playing cowboys and Indians, but it was against Hitler.
(Fritz Molden, interviewed in 2008, on the beginnings of the Austrian Resistance.)
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